Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Yoomi...what a hip find.

Feeding your very little hips on the go means being super organised. Picture this - Your baby starts getting hungry. Immediately, you have to find somewhere to warm the milk. You wait for it to reach the right temperature. You wait and wait. The baby is now screaming impatiently. Everyone is staring at you. Then, imagine you are on a plane....Arghhhh!

Enter Yoomi....a self warming bottle heating your babies milk to the right temperature at the touch of a button, in just 60 seconds. Its 100% BPA free, and anti-colic, and can be used over 100 times. It is so convenient when out and about, at home, travelling, in the supermarket, the doctors, in the park, or even on the beach. Anywhere.

Yoomi was created by an entrepreneurial new mummy and daddy team. Mum was stressed out that warming up the milk was taking so long, and dad, an engineer, was put to work to create a self warming bottle. These clever clogs have now won many awards, and this innovative hip product is very very exciting.

Congratulations to the very hip Yoomi creators. What a fabulous product.

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